Grace United Methodist Church Worship Bulletin
March 28th, 2021
Prelude: Through the City Gates
Welcome: Pastor Jake
The Entrance into Jerusalem: Pastor Jake
People’s Response: Pastor Jake
Processional Hymn: All Glory Laud and Honor
Opening Prayer: Pastor Glen
Scripture: Isaiah 50:4-9a, Pastor Glen
Hymn: At the Name of Jesus, Stephanie Keller
Special Music: I Wonder as I Wander, Grace Bell Choir
Transition into the Passion Story: Pastor Jake
Scripture: Mark 14:1-25, Pastor Janelle
Hymn: “For the Bread Which You Have Broken” (stanzas 1 and 2)
Scripture: Mark 14:26-50, Steve Holmes
Hymn: Go to Dark Gethsemane (stanza 1 only)
Scripture: Mark 14:53-72, Stephanie Keller
Hymn: What Wondrous Love is This (stanzas 1 and 2 only)
Scripture: Mark 15:20-37, Pastor Janelle
Hymn: Were You There (stanzas 1 and 4 only)
Scripture: Mark 15:38-47, Jeff Moen
Time of prayer and reflection, Pastor Jake
Closing Song: The Old Rugged Cross (all stanzas)
Benediction: Pastors Jake and Janelle
Postlude: Hosanna! Hosanna!