Easter Sunday Information
You are invited to join together with us at Grace UMC for our 2021 Easter Sunday Services! This year, we will hold three services:
--7:30am Sunrise service in Grace Woods (casual and weather permitting)
--9:30am in the sanctuary
--11:00am in the sanctuary
The 9:30 and 11:00 services will be identical, and the 9:30 service will be streamed as usual on Facebook Live and YouTube.
We want to make sure we have enough capacity to seat everyone safely for Easter Sunday, including room for first-time visitors! If you and your family are planning to attend, please make a reservation for the service you want to attend by calling the Grace church office at (765) 447-4152, emailing the office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or emailing Marcia Denney atThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. [You may also register via Realm.]
Masks will be required (or provided) for entrance to the church. At this time, we are still not able to offer Kids Connexion, but children are very welcome to stay in the Sanctuary during service!
Small Groups @ Grace
Grace Prayer Group with Pastor Jake will meet on March 25th at 10:30am on Zoom! We are back for a new year of reaching out to God together! Zoom Link:https://zoom.us/j/3013717136
"Free On Monday" is a monthly small group open to anyone at Grace. We are meeting monthly on Zoom to discuss spiritual reading and develop strong personal relationships. Our only requirement is that: “The personal information discussed and shared in the group, stays in the group!” To get connected, contact Ned Swanson at 765-421-7618.
Want to help strengthen our democracy from the ground up? After a winter hiatus, we are resuming our Alike in Love discussion group with Pastor Jake over Zoom. Our new meeting time will be Friday mornings from 10:00 to 11:00 starting on March 26th. "Alike In Love" is a moderated conversation environment where the Grace family can share freely about current events in a spirit of Christ-like love and respect. Discussion topics will follow weekly headlines--or bring ideas you want to talk about! Zoom Link:https://zoom.us/j/3013717136
Grace Youth will be meeting with Pastor Glen this Sunday (3/28). Look for more information in a separate message!
A new small group at Grace! Grace Christian Singles will be a down-to-earth type of group, welcoming single, divorced, and widowed people, looking for an encouraging Christian community experience. Our targeted age group has been set for those ’40’s and up. However, we will welcome others too if we have what their hearts are in search of. Meetings will be held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month, starting in April. Weather permitting, our first few meetings will be held at Grace Church outdoors. If you are interested in participating, or if you have any questions, please feel free to call either Pat Gillespie at 765-608-7032 or Pastor Jake at 765-637-8965.
For Your Information
Attached to this email is our weekly Hometouch homily and activity page. We hope that it will be an encouragement to you as you go about your week!
Marilyn Murphy would like to thank the congregation for the cards and well wishes following her birthday!